
My Daughter's Memories

I always knew my parents didn't get along. Some of my earliest memories were of my Dad and Mom fighting. Sad, huh? Years later, after they divorced, I still thought my Dad was one of the best people in the world (you know how kids think...)

I thought of him this way even though I had memories of him sniffing cocaine and treating my Mom like dirt. I didn't think of him differently until after my brother and I stayed with him the summer of my 12th birthday.

I guess I was like my brother - I tried to deny it.

Chapter I - The Reunion

"He's here," my Mom yelled.

"He" was my father. He had come to pick my brother and I up for the summer. Boy, was my brother and I excited!

"We're coming," I replied.

We raced up the stairs into our father's arms...


Strong to the Finish

An amazing DVD set is coming out honoring the greatest cartoon character ever (in my humble opinion) - Popeye!

I spent many afternoons glued to the TV watching old Popeye shorts in reruns on a local independent TV station with my Dad. If only Dad were here to watch these restored to all their glory...


School Bell

I recently attended a class reunion. Actually, it was much more than a class reunion; it was an all-school, all-class reunion, done at the same time as the town's centennial (which I have found out - long story - is something of a mystery since there are other dates considered to be when the town was established, incorporated, etc., but I digress...)

The photo here is of a new memorial, dedicated during the weekend celebrations. From a 1993 article on H-ST SchoolIt is on the site of the old school, which does not exist any more. Except in the memories (and my dreams...yes, I dream often of walking the hallways of my old schools...) of former students, etc.

What was really strange is coming across an old teacher who I swear looks younger than she did when we were in high school.

It was amazing to talk to old classmates, and meet 'new' even older former students. I finally met Michael Rustad, without whom this site would not exist. I also met Allen Ahles, who assisted me with some of the Ahles family history on this site. And of course, I not only met, but stayed with, Chuck Walker, whose story of his ancestor is being serialized on this site.

All and all, an amazing weekend I will never forget!

Humboldt School 1906-1956
Humboldt-St. Vincent School 1956-1991

Dedicated to all the teachers, administrators, students, custodial and transportation personnel who so faithfully served
and attended this school.

Bell monument provided by Garylle B. Stewart, Class of 1958. Construction and installation of Bell by Wayne G. Stewart, Class of 1964. Masonry work by Steve Olson and Grandson Construction, Fargo, ND. Bell saved from school and provided by long-time residents Curis W. Miller and Brad Hemmes.

Dedicated at Humboldt Centennial and All-School Reunion,
June 22-23, 2007.

Trivia: The bricks forming the base of the memorial were once part of the old-wing of the Humboldt School